dr Ellen Lindell, Sahlgrenska akademin
Dizziness and Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo among older adults
- health-relaterad quality of life and associated factors
Länk til avhandlingen: https://gupea.ub.gu.se/handle/2077/62213
dr Luca Verrecchia, Karolinska institutet
Development of vestibular evoked myogenic potentials and audiometry for the clinical diagnosis of superior canal dehiscence syndrome
Länk til avhandlingen: https://openarchive.ki.se/xmlui/handle/10616/46475
dr Tatjana Tomanovic, Karolinska institutet
Persistent geotropic nystagmus: a different kind of cupula pathology
Länk till avhandlingen: http://hdl.handle.net/10616/41865
dr Lena Kollén, Örebro universitet
Dizziness, balance and rehabilition in vestibular disorders
dr Fredrik Tjernström, Lunds universitet:
Adaption and learning in postural control
dr Mitesh Patel, Lunds universitet:
Postural Control and Adaption to Threats to Balance Stability
dr Barbro Mendel, Karolinska institutet:
Yrsel ur patientens perspektiv
dr Anna Hafström, Lunds universitet:
Visual influences on vestibular compensation and postural control
dr Eva Ekvall Hansson, Lunds universitet:
Assessment and treatment of dizzy patients in primary health care
dr Johan Holmberg, Lunds universitet:
Dizziness and fear of falling
dr Anne-Charlotte Hessen Söderman, Karolinska institutet:
Morbidity in Meniere´s disease; aspects on quality of life and triggering factors
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Short and long-term postural learning to withstand galvanic vestibular perturbations
Tjernström F, Bagher A, Fransson PA, Magnusson M.
J Vestib Res. 2010;20(6):407-17.
y receding postural challenges.
Tjernström F, Fransson PA, Patel M, Magnusson M.
Exp Brain Res. 2010 May;202(3):613-21.
ontrol and adaptation.
Patel M, Gomez S, Berg S, Almbladh P, Lindblad J, Petersen H, Magnusson M, Johansson R, Fransson PA.
Exp Brain Res. 2008 Feb;185(2):165-73.
y of postural control learning in children?
Tjernström F, Oredsson J, Magnusson M.
J Vestib Res. 2006;16(6):257-64.
ved postural control through repetition and consolidation.
Tjernström F, Fransson PA, Magnusson M.
J Vestib Res. 2005;15(1):31-9.
tory perturbations in middle-aged and elderly humans.
Fransson PA, Kristinsdottir EK, Hafström A, Magnusson M, Johansson R.
Eur J Appl Physiol. 2004 May;91(5-6):595-603. Epub 2004 Feb 17.
ion during galvanic vestibular and vibratory proprioceptive stimulation.
Fransson PA, Hafström A, Karlberg M, Magnusson M, Tjäder A, Johansson R.
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 2003 Dec;50(12):1310-9.
Adaptation to vibratory perturbations in postural control.
Fransson PA, Johansson R, Tjernström F, Magnusson M.
IEEE Eng Med Biol Mag. 2003 Mar-Apr;22(2):53-7.
Adaptation of postural control to perturbations--a process that initiates long-term motor memory.
Tjernström F, Fransson PA, Hafström A, Magnusson M.
Gait Posture. 2002 Feb;15(1):75-82.
Analysis of short- and long-term effects of adaptation in human postural control.
Fransson PA, Tjernström F, Hafström A, Magnusson M, Johansson R.
Biol Cybern. 2002 May;86(5):355-65.
Methods for evaluation of postural control adaptation.
Fransson P, Johansson R, Hafström A, Magnusson M.
Gait Posture. 2000 Sep;12(1):14-24.
Analysis of adaptation in anteroposterior dynamics of human postural control.
Fransson P, Magnusson M, Johansson R.
Gait Posture. 1998 Jan 1;7(1):64-74.
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Magnusson M, Pyykkö I, Schalén L, Enbom H.
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Godartad lägesyrsel (BPPV)Sudden unilateral hearing loss with simultaneous ipsilateral posterior semicircular canal benign paroxysmal positional vertigo: a variant of vestibulo-cochlear neurolabyrinthitis?
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Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2000 Aug;126(8):1024-9.
What inner ear diseases cause benign paroxysmal positional vertigo?
Karlberg M, Hall K, Quickert N, Hinson J, Halmagyi GM.
Acta Otolaryngol. 2000 Mar;120(3):380-5.
ElectrocochleografiTranstympanic electrocochleography in the assessment of perilymphatic fistulas.
Sass K, Densert B, Magnusson M.
Audiol Neurootol. 1997 Nov-Dec;2(6):391-402.
Fobisk Postural Yrsel (PPV)Reduced postural differences between phobic postural vertigo patients and healthy subjects during a postural threat.
Holmberg J, Tjernström F, Karlberg M, Fransson PA, Magnusson M.
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Decreased postural adaptation in patients with phobic postural vertigo--an effect of an "anxious" control of posture?
Tjernström F, Fransson PA, Holmberg J, Karlberg M, Magnusson M.
Neurosci Lett. 2009 May 1;454(3):198-202
One-year follow-up of cognitive behavioral therapy for phobic postural vertigo.
Holmberg J, Karlberg M, Harlacher U, Magnusson M.
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Treatment of phobic postural vertigo. A controlled study of cognitive-behavioral therapy and self-controlled desensitization.
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Experience of handicap and anxiety in phobic postural vertigo.
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Phobic postural vertigo: body sway during vibratory proprioceptive stimulation.
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Galvanisk stimuleringReduction of visuo-spatial neglect with vestibular galvanic stimulation.
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Lateral posture stability during galvanic stimulation.
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Galvanically induced body sway in the anterior-posterior plane.
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The effects of galvanic stimulation on the human vestibulo-ocular reflex.
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Direction of galvanically-induced vestibulo-postural responses during active and passive neck torsion.
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KlinikMondini-like malformation mimicking otosclerosis and superior semicircular canal dehiscence.
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Posturography can be used to screen for primary orthostatic tremor, a rare cause of dizziness.
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An office procedure to detect vestibular loss in children with hearing impairment.
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Acute vestibular neuritis visualized by 3-T magnetic resonance imaging with high-dose gadolinium.
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Peripheral vestibular disorders with acute onset of vertigo.
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Nacke och Cervikal yrselInfluence of prolonged unilateral cervical muscle contraction on head repositioning--decreased overshoot after a 5-min static muscle contraction task.
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Cervical proprioception is sufficient for head orientation after bilateral vestibular loss.
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Whiplash injuries: diagnosis and early management. The Swedish Society of Medicine and the Whiplash Commission Medical Task Force.
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Cervicogenic dizziness - musculoskeletal findings before and after treatment and long-term outcome.
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Cervical muscle afferents play a dominant role over vestibular afferents during bilateral vibration of neck muscles.
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Primary and coupled cervical movements: the effect of age, gender, and body mass index. A 3-dimensional movement analysis of a population without symptoms of neck disorders.
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Neck muscle vibration alters visually-perceived roll after unilateral vestibular loss.
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Parkinsons sjukdom
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Vestibularis Schwannom
Vestibular PREHAB and gentamicin before schwannoma surgery may improve long-term postural function
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Preoperative vestibular ablation with gentamicin and vestibular 'prehab' enhance postoperative recovery after surgery for pontine angle tumours--first report.
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VOR och ögonrörelserOculomotor deficits caused by 0.06% and 0.10% blood alcohol concentrations and relationship to subjective perception of drunkenness.
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Increased visual dependence and otolith dysfunction with alcohol intoxication.
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